Jerusalem – Delegates Visit Holy City of Jerusalem
On the second day of the KTH Journey, Delegates visited the world-renowned city of Jerusalem, considered hallowed ground for both Christian and Muslim Palestinians. They started off their day by visiting Al Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock, the site of the Prophet Mohammed’s ascension into Heaven, taking time to pray in its immaculate and beautifully decorated halls. Later, they also had a chance to pray in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, where Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected.
In addition to visiting the Holy Sites, the Delegates took a tour of Jerusalem’s Old City hosted by PalVision, a non-profit organization focused on the wellbeing of Jerusalem’s Palestinian community. The Delegates learned about the difficulties facing Palestinians living in Jerusalem and about how to get involved in supporting meaningful change. The Delegates also visited the Yabous Cultural Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to reviving cultural life in Jerusalem and giving the city an ambience that reflects its Arab historical, religious, political and cultural importance. There, the delegation heard about the how East Jerusalem Palestinians are working to preserve the Palestinian character of their city.