The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation (HCEF), in partnership with Haya Washington (HAYA) and the Know Thy Heritage (KTH), collaborated to distribute 165 food parcels to support families in need in Palestine. This initiative aims to provide essential assistance and alleviate the challenges faced by these families, demonstrating a strong commitment to humanitarian aid and community support in the region.

Dedicated to supporting all segments of society, especially the vulnerable, HCEF and its partners strive to alleviate the burdens faced by the people in Palestine. The recent distribution of parcels has had a significant impact, effectively relieving the distress of recipient families. Each parcel contains essential items like rice, flour, oil, sugar, canned goods, sufficient to sustain a family of six for an entire month. Parcels have been distributed in Taybeh, Atara, Jaffna, Ramallah, Qalqilia, Hajja, and Birzeit. Additionally, many Gazan laborers and families who couldn’t return to Gaza have received support.

Sir Rateb Rabie, President and CEO of HCEF, addressed the current situation in Palestine, emphasizing that the challenges faced by Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are primarily due to the ongoing Israeli war on Gaza, along with the occupation and its brutal practices. He highlighted the detrimental impact of prolonged conflict, including frequent closures, sieges, and the prevention of daily activities for workers and farmers in the West Bank. The high prices and global economic conditions further exacerbate the difficulties faced by Palestinian families.

HCEF and its partners express gratitude to all contributors, both financial and in-kind, who supported this charitable endeavor. They acknowledge the dedication of volunteers and employees who facilitated the efficient distribution of essential parcels. In light of the ongoing challenges faced by vulnerable families, they appeal to all compassionate individuals for generous donations. Contributions can be made at