KTH Chapters Concept USA
Chapters Concept: Know Thy Heritage (KTH)
Know Thy Heritage Chapter operates in alignment with the same mandate, mission, vision, and goals as its parent organization, Know Thy Heritage, Inc (KTH). It upholds charitable, educational, leadership and nonprofit purposes as defined under section 501(c)(3) of U.S. law. This ensures that our objectives are firmly grounded in principles of philanthropy, learning, social good, and empowering individuals to make a meaningful impact in Palestine and across the diaspora.
The primary mission of KTH Chapters is to empower the Palestinian Diaspora by deepening their understanding and appreciation of their Palestinian identity, culture, history, and traditions. Through collaborative efforts and a shared commitment to the objectives of KTH, active members and esteemed alumni aim to forge a cohesive team dedicated to nurturing a resilient and thriving Palestinian community. Together, we aspire to build a stronger and more prosperous future for Palestinians worldwide.
Despite the many challenges facing Palestinians today, KTH remains steadfast in its commitment to cultivating bold and capable leadership. Building upon our past successes, we wish to further engage the Palestinian diaspora across many states and countries. Harnessing the wealth of expertise within our communities, our Chapters aim to mobilize Palestinian alumni and other stakeholders in advocacy efforts aimed at fostering the establishment of Palestinian communities and advancing Palestinian development.
Drawing upon extensive professional backgrounds, including expertise in fields such as advocacy, finance, law, engineering, medicine, communications, and information technology, our diaspora members are uniquely positioned to contribute to this collective mission. Through collaborative efforts and strategic partnerships, we seek to leverage this rich talent pool to drive positive change and prosperity for Palestinians worldwide. Together, we endeavor to build a brighter future rooted in unity and resilience.
KTH Chapter Goals:
KTH outreach in the USA will target two distinct groups:
1- Diaspora Palestinian Americans:
- Fundraising: Supporting the organization and funding specific projects that benefit Palestinians.
- Building Networks: Empowering Palestinian diaspora to connect with Palestine through education, information, and tools.
- Business & Investment: Facilitating opportunities for business and investment in Palestine.
- Strengthening Relationships: Developing and strengthening connections with Palestinians in Palestine and globally.
2- American Citizens of Non-Palestinian Origin:
- Advocacy Programs: Engaging Americans in activities and advocacy efforts for Palestine.
- Fundraising Initiatives: Developing fundraising programs to garner support from Americans.
- Pilgrimage/Fact-Finding: Offering programs that give Americans first hand insight into Palestine.
- Public Relations: Enhancing the image of Palestinians and highlighting their significant contributions to American society.
- Programs and Activities: Developed and tailored to the needs and interests of local communities within each chapter’s area.
- Partnerships: Collaborating with similar organizations and participating in related events and initiatives to bolster support for the Palestinian cause.
KTH Leadership Program:
KTH leadership in the USA will focus on three main factions:
- Recruitment: Identifying and recruiting talented individuals for the leadership program.
- Fundraising: Raising funds for the organization, including support for the leadership journey.
- Alumni Networking: Establishing and nurturing a network of program alumni to sustain engagement and collaboration.
Through targeted initiatives tailored to the needs and interests of each KTH chapter, we aim to foster greater understanding, support, and engagement in advancing the Palestinian cause and empowering Palestinian communities worldwide. This reaffirms our commitment to unifying and embodying KTH’s mission, vision, and goals across all chapters as we collaborate in solidarity towards our shared vision.