By, Rateb Rabie, KCHS

Since October 7, 2023, I have been relentlessly following both Western and Arab media, trying to understand what is truly happening on the ground. The ongoing genocide continues unchecked, and no one seems able or willing to stop it. Critical facts are being obscured, and the truth is systematically buried beneath political agendas. Do Palestinian lives matter? Why is the media continuously spin narratives that distort the reality of what’s unfolding? In my reflections on the current situation, I have arrived at several pressing questions, and I seek your insight in addressing them:

  1. Netanyahu is prepared to fight until the last American soldier falls. Why not put an end to this madness by saving both the lives of our soldiers and our taxpayer dollars?
  2. Israel is touted as the only democracy in the Middle East, yet it is essentially controlled by three men: Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, and Smotrich. Where is the democracy in a system where three men, hold so much control?
  3. How can Zionism be equated with Judaism when there are Christian and Muslim Zionists? The conflation simply defies logic, blurring the lines between reality and rhetoric.
  4. Trump campaigns with Israeli flags prominently displayed. Where is his loyalty to the U.S.? How can he claim he will “make America great again” when his platform aligns more with foreign interests?
  5. The U.S. ceasefire negotiator in Gaza blames the Palestinian leadership in Gaza for the failure to reach an agreement, but why are the other two negotiators silent (Qatar and Egypt)? Why do they not step forward and speak the truth?
  6. Why does the Biden administration claim to want to broker a ceasefire, yet continues to send weapons to Israel, without applying real pressure to stop the genocide? Where is the application of American principles—principles rooted in equality, freedom, and justice for all? This inconsistency begs the question: how can the U.S. preach peace while fueling the very violence it claims to want to end?